Employee Spotlight – Ashley


  • Advocating for equality
  • Reading and writing.
  • Raising the next generation of kind humans

Why did you decide to come back to Rivermatrix?

There are many reasons I returned to Rivermatrix, but diversity is a significant aspect of why I am at a company. My desire to surround myself with diverse opinions, beliefs, and areas of study is something that the company has always understood. The support and engagement of a small company are unparalleled. I feel connected to varying degrees of personalities, intellects, and life paths. I have never once felt unseen in my prior or current employment with Rivermatrix. Lastly, the dedication and support of the leadership team are ideal. Even when you are outside of the company, the lines of communication remain open, and all positions are considered. This creates a sense that you are on the minds of the company and those on the leadership team.

What is your current role?

During my career path, I’ve undertaken many roles which allow my skills to expand and be an asset in many ways. Within my current role, my primary focus is software development; however, many positions, including the one I am in, allow me to flex my skills into the DevOps and SA areas. Impacting Rivermatrix clients in a positive way affords a career that makes a difference, challenges your skills, and demands creativity to solve some of the most intriguing problems.

What parts of our mission do you connect with?

Rivermatrix upholds honesty, integrity, and respect as its mission’s core values, and these are values I hold dear in my professional and personal life. Even during moments of disagreement, respectful honesty and communication with leadership allow connection to occur. Working for a company that prides itself on quality services helps me view my value as an impactful team member rather than someone to be leveraged by the company.

What kinds of resources have you taken advantage of while on our team?

Within my experience at Rivermatrix, many of us reach out and connect with one another. Whether we are at a social gathering discussing challenging life events, seeking mentorship about a different career path, or needing assistance with a new tech stack that a team desires to pursue. Someone is always available to help move me along. Our small company provides a multitude of excellent resources in different areas both professionally and personally.